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Linux environment setup

Main prerequisites for screenshot generation

To generate screenshots using CAD Exchanger Batch on Linux the following additional packages should be installed:

  • with apt package manager:
    sudo apt install libgl1 libxcb1 libx11-xcb1 libxmu6 libxi6
  • with yum package manager:
    sudo yum install libglvnd-glx mesa-dri-drivers

Screenshot generation on Linux server without desktop environment

Screenshot generation requires connection to X server that controls a display on target machine. For Linux machines without desktop environment (usually without graphical display support) it can be achieved through connecting to a virtual display. Xvfb(X virtual framebuffer) package allows to create a fake "virtual display", which can be used for screenshot generation via CAD Exchanger Batch.

Install Required Libraries

These are the packages you need to install:

  • with apt package manager:
    sudo apt-get install xvfb
  • with yum package manager:
    sudo yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb

Launching with virtual display

There are two ways to launch CAD Exchanger Batch with virtual display:

  1. Using xvfb-run command for basic virtual display set up
    $ xvfb-run -s '-screen 0 1024x768x24' ./ExchangerConv -i ../models/kk35-7.stp -e kk35-7.png
    CAD Exchanger 3.7.1 build 12316 (cadexchanger.com)
    Importing ../models/kk35-7.stp...Done.
    Exporting kk35-7.png...Done.
  2. Using Xvfb to create a virtual display and then running CAD Exchanger Batch separately:
    $ sudo Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 </dev/null &
    $ export DISPLAY=":1"
    // run CAD Exchanger Batch application as usual
    $ ./ExchangerConv -i ../models/kk35-7.stp -e kk35-7.png
    CAD Exchanger 3.7.1 build 12316 (cadexchanger.com)
    Importing ../models/kk35-7.stp...Done.
    Exporting kk35-7.png...Done.

Please refer to the Xvfb documentation to configure it on your server.