Better conversion from Eyeshot in CAD Exchanger SDK, significant changes in Manufacturing Toolkit in release 3.24.6

Evaluate better conversion from Eyeshot in CAD Exchanger SDK and check out major changes in Manufacturing Toolkit: a new model data API, web visualization capabilities, and model reader class for supported formats.

Olesia Lebedeva
Olesia Lebedeva
2 min read

CAD Exchanger SDK refinements

Better conversion from Eyeshot

Better conversion from Eyeshot
Better conversion from Eyeshot

We have solved several issues in the geometry conversion process. For example, corrected the issue where B-Reps were previously exported as an open shell rather than a solid body and fixed a crash during the converting conical surfaces.

Earlier, when converting from Eyeshot to our data model, some entities lost colors, but now they are all preserved. There were also other minor improvements that ensured visual consistency and enhanced accuracy.

New attributes for ModelData_DrawingElement class

New attributes for ModelData_DrawingElement class
New attributes for ModelData_DrawingElement class

We have added two attributes (supported by code only): one for dimensions and the second one for display order. These updates provide you with detailed control over drawing elements, allowing for more precise customization.

Format improvements

Format improvements
Format improvements

As always, we stay focused on enhancing our formats.

  • DWG: added support for size tolerance and deviation limit values of drawing dimensions;
  • glTF: fixed import of colors with component values outside of the allowed range: [0,1];
  • SOLIDWORKS: added parsing of view buckets and fixed the loss of mesh objects during reading of .SLDASM files;
  • STEP: added support of CAMERA_MODEL_D3_MULTI_CLIPPING entity.

Manufacturing Toolkit updates

In the past, Manufacturing Toolkit (MTK) was only available for CAD Exchanger SDK users. With this release, we are making it self-contained and no longer requiring CAD Exchanger SDK as a prerequisite. The first two steps in this direction — are our own independent data model API and web visualization.

New model data API

New model data API
New model data API

In Manufacturing Toolkit, we have revised class naming rules by replacing prefixes with corresponding namespaces like Geom, ModelData, and Measurements. Grouping classes improves clarity and introduces a more organized structure.

Moreover, we have added explicit methods for obtaining the triangulation of an edge or a face, and new classes for geometric primitives, curves, surfaces, model elements. It allows for more flexibility in exploring models, especially when dealing with detailed geometry.

New web visualization capabilities in MTK

Web visualization capabilities
Web visualization capabilities

We are excited to introduce a new TypeScript library that can assist you in exploring and visualizing 3D CAD models on the web when using MTK.

Key features include:

  • reading MTKWEB (our proprietary format, optimized for web usage);
  • accessing product structures of assemblies and parts;
  • supporting B-Rep geometry;
  • providing data for visualizing 3D models.

Upload your STEP file via Manufacturing Toolkit (MTK), convert it to MTKWEB, import the file, and manipulate it using our samples as a guide. 

Our web visualization is based on the open-source Three.js library, enabling seamless integration with applications already using Three.js for visualization. Paired with Manufacturing Toolkit, it allows you to develop web applications running publicly or on-premise.

Revised MTK documentation

Revised MTK documentation
Revised MTK documentation

The new release makes our MTK documentation more comprehensive for both new and experienced users. We have made updates to reflect the changes in the new API, with multiple key articles — such as the introduction and getting started guides — completely rewritten for clarity and ease of understanding.

There was also added documentation for classes that previously lacked descriptions, ensuring that you have all the necessary information.

Added model reader class

Added model reader class
Added model reader class

We have introduced a universal class, handling all formats supported by Manufacturing Toolkit. When reading a file, its content is converted into a common data model. For new users, only reading of the STEP file format is supported, but we plan to add more formats in the future. This addition simplifies the process of working with different data types, enhancing interoperability within the toolkit.

There are also some minor changes in MTK and CAD Exchanger SDK. To get the full list of the 3.24.6 updates, read the CHANGES.txt file.

Olesia Lebedeva
Olesia Lebedeva
Content Manager

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