4 Logic is a start-up company that provides drawing and design services for mechanical engineering.

Erik Sars
In its work 4 Logic relies on Autodesk AutoCAD to integrate 3D models from multiple libraries of standard parts as well as directly from the suppliers. 3D models are provided in various formats that often cannot be directly imported into the CAD system.
To complete its mission, 4 Logic engineers use CAD Exchanger Lab to convert input parts from IGES, STEP and other formats into ACIS-SAT format which is native for AutoCAD. CAD Exchanger allows to specify the output SAT version (up to R20) thereby enabling the most reliable reading by the target CAD system. CAD Exchanger applies its integrated capabilities to analyze and correct possible quality issues in the original models and to prepare them for smooth reading by downstream applications.
Due to the usage of a single native format for AutoCAD, 4 Logic can streamline its processes and fully focus on design tasks. Using CAD Exchanger conversion capabilities, the design team is able to accept models in a broader set of formats from its suppliers. With the help of CAD Exchanger Lab, 4 Logic is able to preview 3D models before integrating them into a final assembly thereby reducing the total time of the project.