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How to import Open CASCADE
to Unity?

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Unity is a game engine made by Unity Technologies. It supports more than 25 different platforms. This engine is used mostly to design three-dimensional, two-dimensional, virtual reality, and augmented reality games. It has been adopted not only by video gaming industry, but also by film, automotive, architecture, engineering and construction.

Unity enables users to develop games and experiences both in 2D and 3D, and offers a primary scripting API in C#, as well as drag and drop functionality. Within 2D games, Unity provides importation of sprites and a 2D world renderer. For 3D games, it allows specification of texture compression, mipmaps, and resolution settings for each platform it supports. Also, it provides support for bump mapping, reflection mapping, parallax mapping, screen space ambient occlusion, dynamic shadowing, render-to-texture and full-screen post-processing effects.


In solid modeling and computer-aided design, boundary representation—often abbreviated as B-rep or BREP—is a method for representing shapes using the limits. A solid is represented as a collection of connected surface elements, the boundary between solid and non-solid.

Boundary representation of models are composed of two parts: topology and geometry (surfaces, curves and points). The main topological items are: faces, edges and vertices. A face is a bounded portion of a surface; an edge is a bounded piece of a curve and a vertex lies at a point. Other elements are the shell (a set of connected faces), the loop (a circuit of edges bounding a face) and loop-edge links (also known as winged edge links or half-edges) which are used to create the edge circuits. The edges are like the edges of a table, bounding a surface portion.

Compared to the constructive solid geometry (CSG) representation, which uses only primitive objects and Boolean operations to combine them, boundary representation is more flexible and has a much richer operation set. In addition to the Boolean operations, B-rep has extrusion (or sweeping), chamfer, blending, drafting, shelling, tweaking and other operations which make use of these.

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