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Conversion from Unigraphics to Revit is not supported yet :(

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Unigraphics Logo

Unigraphics is a former name for Siemens NX, an advanced CAD/CAM/CAE software application suite. However, veterans are still using the Unigraphics name.

In 2002, the new version of Siemens Unigraphics, merged with I-DEAS software, was released and called NX, which means "Next Generation". In fact, it was the last version of the software released under the Unigraphics name. All further releases became known as NX. So the addition of I-DEAS functionality to the core code of the Unigraphics has become the basis of the existing NX product line.

Siemens NX / Unigraphics use a .prt extension, which contains 3D CAD parts.

Revit Logo

Autodesk Revit is BIM software widely used by architects, engineers, designers and contractors. It uses ShapeManager kernel - a product by Autodesk. The original software was developed by Charles River Software. Its key developers wanted to bring the power of parametric modeling to the building industry and they succeeded. In 2002 Autodesk purchased Revit, and since then it proceeded to develop by leaps within this corporation.

Now it is a high-quality product which allows users to design and structure a building in 3D, annotate models with 2D drafting elements and access information from the model’s database. It is a strong collaboration tool between various disciplines in the building design field. Revit users are able to plan and track different stages in the building’s lifecycle, from the idea to construction and maintenance.

Within the Revit work environment users are enable to operate whole buildings or assemblies or individual 3D shapes in the family editor environment. Modeling tools are compatible with pre-made solid objects or imported geometric models. On creation of a building or any other object in Revit, users can use Revit’s rendering engine to build a more realistic image. This is achieved by either using the ready-made model, or making their own.

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