CADEXSOFT Manufacturing Toolkit 2025.1 released: machining feature recognition, DFM analysis, 3D measurements and more
This blog post is dedicated to the last release of 2018. It includes mobile devices support, sectioning algorithm update and introduction of angular measurements.
December 21, 2018
After completing STEP conversion engine we moved to number two most demanded neutral CAD format - IGES.
December 10, 2018
How we improved our STEP API. Step two.
November 28, 2018
CAD Exchanger products are often highlighted for it's performance and in this blog post we will describe one of the mechanisms that stay behind that.
November 26, 2018
The second most frequently asked feature after 3D CAD conversion is visualization of 3D data. This blog post describes how you can visualize 3D CAD via CAD Exchanger SDK
November 12, 2018